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If you have any questions, please message us.
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For maximum protection, safety and to comply with traffic laws, please ensure the red reflectors face into the flow of traffic.
Sideguardâ„¢ is only to be used when the vehicle is parked. Please remove before driving or moving the vehicle.
Please ensure Sideguardâ„¢ is not likely to cause damage or injury to your vehicle or anything/anyone else, prior to or during use, as we cannot accept any liability for this. If in any doubt, please contact us before purchase or use.
We recommend only to use Sideguard™ between 1°c - 40°c.​
SIDEGUARD and ON-STREET PARKING REFLECTOR are trademarks of T Reed Ltd, t/a Sideguard.
This website including all of its content, is protected by copyright and remains the sole property of T Reed Ltd. No unauthorised reproduction or use is allowed, unless for promotional purposes for the benefit of T Reed Ltd.